do you have any doubts about rrrcycle, bio-waste, composting or other subject? check the answers to the most frequently asked questions and, if you still have any doubts, contact us by email
RRRCICLO is the designation attributed to the circular economy global strategy assumed by guimarães, which intends to change the linear models of production and consumption to circular models of sharing, reuse, reintegration and recycling of materials, reducing waste to a minimum.
it is waste of organic origin, like leftover food, fruits and vegetables, bread, cakes, egg shells, coffee, tea bags, napkins and paper towels among others.
organic waste collected from homes will be valued and will serve to fertilize green spaces in our municipality.
green waste comes from home gardens, small pruning and leaf cleaning.
no. green waste must be put into bags and/or packaged and the free collection must be scheduled through vitrus ambiente.
the decomposition of organic materials always gives off some odours. however, the bin is built to mitigate them. the 10 litre bins can even be washed in the dishwasher after each usage.
if you reside in one of the areas where there is already collection of organic waste, you can schedule your delivery through your brigada verde, parish council or with vitrus ambiente through 808 209 565.
you can check the composting manual available at, which has all the necessary information to start the process.
you can ask for your compost bin at: the compost bins will be given by order of request. after registering, you should wait for the contact of the landscape laboratory.
you can ask for more than one bin of 10 and/or 25 litres.
it is an excellent natural fertilizer, rich in micronutrients, salts, minerals, nitrogen and carbon to use in your garden or pots.
yes. bins adapted to apartments are available. we do, however, recommend that they are put in outdoor spaces, such as balconies.
you can compost in the community compost at the location defined by your brigada verde/ parish council.
yes. for example, it is not advised to add cooked leftovers, with grease or sauces to the domestic bin since these produce more odours and may attract unwanted visits, such as insects.
you may schedule the compost collection with vitrus ambiente or with the landscape laboratory. this will be later used at the municipality’s green spaces.
the compost bin must be picked up at the premises of landscape laboratory. at the time of pick-up, you must take you contract number with vimágua or the city hall with you so that you can benefit from the exemption of the waste management tax.
it is a government tax applied together with the waste tax, which aims to discourage the final disposal in landfill of undifferentiated waste, while encouraging the reduction of waste production and the separation and recycling of materials. therefore, the valuation of organic waste allows the exemption of this tax.
after proven beginning of the separation of organic waste through the disposal in bins or by carrying out domestic composting. for that, you shall provide the contract number with vimágua or the city hall.
the domestic composting compliance is randomly checked through visits, so that you are able to maintain this benefit. when it comes to the collection, the use of bags shall be proved for the maintenance of this benefit.
the organic waste bags are available at vitrus’ head office or upon request at 800 209 565.
you may come into contact with the involved entities, namely vitrus ambiente (808 209 565) or landscape laboratory (253 421 218) or by e-mail: